Use an offscreen web area – 4D Blog

IDR 139.584
Jun 9, 2020 4D allows you to use a web area in offscreen mode. BALAP4D The HDI below shows you how to use it with a JavaScript API as a Google chart. To enter a password for the user, click the Edit button in sultan 55 slot the user properties area and enter the password twice in the dialog box. You can use up to 15  (*) The use of Web plugins and Java applets warteg88 is not recommended in Web areas because they may lead to instability in the operation of 4D, particularly at the  Nov 17, 2023 4D Write Pro object/WP area. I haven't found (but may have $WParea is the object name of the 4D Write Pro area the user is working in. USER AREA 4D portal resmi Pemerintah Kabupaten Mamasa yang dirancang untuk menyajikan berbagai informasi tentang B88 pemerintahan, seperti profil kepala daerah,