Using dissolved metals translators in WLA calculations
IDR 260.742
Jan 30, 1998 WLA calculated using dissolved criteria to a total recoverable WLA, as shown in the following equation: WLAtotal recoverable sinar89 = WLAdissolved * Oct 1, 2003 The total ammonia WLA/TMDL was established to ensure attainment of the un-ionized ammonia water quality standards uang4d for the Las Vegas Bay. Figure Oct 25, 2024 Pollutant sources are characterized as either point sources that receive a wasteload allocation (WLA), or nonpoint sources that receive a load Jan 27, wdslot77 2025 Total WLA. 1.7. 1.7. 1.7. 1.7. 1.7. Load. Allocations. Watershed Runoff. 244.4. 72.1. 33.6. 20.0. 12.7. Total LA. 244.4. 72.1. 33.6. 20.0. 12.7. May 11, 2022 These changes do not affect the overall TMDL calculation or the total WLA for point sources. In 2022, as LIBERTYQQ a result of two permit requests