Twitter un-retweeting older retweets - rules on retweeting - Rules

IDR 276.644
Mar 3, 2018 In order to test this issue, I went through every row in the table, deleting any where retweets weren't showing asiagacor anymore, leaving only rows where  With the Retweets lookup endpoint, you can retrieve a list of accounts The manage Retweets endpoints enable you to Retweet or undo a Retweet of a  Feb 23, 2021 Get all retweets of a specific tweet I'm trying to get all DEMO SLOT MOKAPOG retweets from a specific tweet. I'm able to access the most current RTs of a user  Jan 14, 2015 In the new Search Tweets API, including the following alfa4d slot parameters will remove different flavors of retweets: -is:retweet Excludes retweets -is:quote Excludes  A retweet is when someone republishes or forwards a post to their own Twitter followers. Retweets SITUS SLOT TO 100 are typically credited to their original authors.