All ranks in a nutshell : r/MobileLegendsGame
IDR 474.180
Sep 22, 2023 All ranks in a nutshell. Guide. Warrior - Elite : Bots, smash face against phone and win. SOTONGDEWA Master : just push people won't rotate/gank VERY rare that they will RANKING. HERO. main_hero_appearance_rate. PICK RATE. PICK RATE. main_hero_win_rate. WIN RATE. main_hero_ban_rate. BAN RATE. BAN RATE. COUNTER HERO. 1st. 1. SBOBETPK Oct 9, 2021 Epic and Legend ranks are almost the same, but there are more idiots OSCARPLAY in Epic. r/MobileLegendsGame - Rank of ML Heroes if they play Mobile The rank system is used in matchmaking to ensure that all players played equally and fairly. Players earn or lose stars if they win or lose in map mobile legend this mode. Jan 9, 2024 Warrior, Elite, Master, Grandmaster, Epic, Legend, Mythic, Mythical Honor, Mythical Glory and Mythic Immortal. When a new season reset, everyone